friday again

and not a whole lot of picture taking, writing or many kinds of creative this week.
lots of parenting, being sick and organizing.
but not even the productive kind…just the trying-to-stay-on-top-of-things in a way that makes you not look like a hoarder kind.

that said, i have just loaded the last of my photos and assorted photo accoutrements into my beloved jeep, to be brought over to the the lost villages museum, in anticipation of the apples and arts studio tour 2010 which runs tomorrow and sunday, from 10-5.

if you live in the area…stop by:).
my photog friend nelly will be in the little red schoolhouse with her beautiful work.

i will be in the zina hill barber shop ( tiny space, beautiful light ) happy to talk about taking photos. or anything else. bring coffee. please.

for those of you who live far away, look around for one of these tours in your community – they are an awesome way to connect with some artsy types;) and enjoy the talent that your area has to offer.

oh! and if you are in cornwall, just a reminded that i also have photos hanging at the grind.
grab a yummy coffee while you are there ( and the lobster rolls are amaaaaazing…).

have a wonderful weekend:), i can hear the baby calling me!

(credit: to shophaven for the article on “the grind”).

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